Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade continues to add new basketball skills and elements of athleticism to his All-Star game each off-season. Whether the goal is perfecting a teardrop runner or adding endurance and explosion, Dwyane relies on Tim Grover of ATTACK Athletics to keep his arsenal expanding.
“His game has developed so much,” Grover says. “He’s really dedicated himself to [taking] care of his body, knowing how important it is with the injuries he’s had and returning to play at such a high level. As skilled as he is, he’s willing to try new stuff out on the basketball court. No matter how awkward or unprepared he is with it, he’s going to give it a try until he’s comfortable with it.”
Dwyane is known as a hard worker within ATTACK’s walls—and throughout the NBA for that matter—but working hard is only half the battle; the other half is working smart. “I don’t know his methods,” Dwyane laughingly says about Grover. “I just know that I have unbelievable trust and faith in the things he tells me to do. And every year, my training has been different; it’s what I need that year, what I need to get strong and what I need to concentrate on…I made sure that I dedicated myself to him—not only on the court, but probably in the weight room more so.”
Dwyane’s off-season workouts at ATTACK cover the full gamut, from skills to strength to injury prevention. Step one is a lengthy on-court skills and conditioning session, and step two is a rapid-fire workout in the weight room. “We always start on the court to get shots going and to get into a rhythm,” Dwyane says. “You do a lot of things that you do in the games; then you also try new things. Whether it’s something [I] want to work on or things Tim wants me to work on, [it’s] so I can get comfortable with all kinds of different moves. Then we take it into the weight room, which right now is probably the most important part. We do a lot of things that focus on my explosiveness and agility and power in the mix of a 30-minute workout, a very tough 30-minute workout.”
During those 30 minutes, Grover puts Dwyane through supersets designed to improve flexibility in his hips, increase lateral and vertical explosion, and strengthen his shoulders to improve play above the rim. “The [supersets] are a combination of explosive movements timed with endurance movements,” Grover explains. “There are times in basketball when Dwyane’s just jogging back and forth, and then he has to do an explosive movement, then he slows down again.”
1. On-Court Skills and Conditioning, 1 set, 45 minutes
2a. Alternate Single-Leg Hamstring Curl, 2-3 sets, 10-15 each leg
2b. Power Plate Glute Bridge, 2-3 sets, 30 seconds
3a. Depth Box Jump, 3 sets, 1-6
3b. Slideboard Dynamic Hip/Glute Stretch, 3 sets, 20-30 each leg
4a. Alternate Explosive Leg Press, 3 sets, 15 each leg
4b. Slideboard Jackknife with Abduction, 3 sets, 10
5. PPT Band Ankle Circuit, 2 sets, 30-100 each movement, each leg
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